I just saw a commercial on TV for a product called AC Pro.


Being a Master Certified Technician and owner of an automotive repair facility I would like to inform my Clients and the public why you shouldn't add freon to a system yourself. They say in the chimerical why pay hundreds of dollars for something you can do yourself, I will tell you why:  

  1. If the system is low on freon and causing insufficient cooling the freon leaked out.   When the freon leaks out air gets in. Air in a freon system will cause problems.   When you attach the hose of the do it yourself freon can you induce air into the system,  the air that is in the hose before the freon comes out of the can. The air from the hose and the air that leaked into the system as the freon leaked out, now you have far more air than the system can handle.   
  2. The gauge on the do it yourself can of freon is only reading the low pressure side of the system. How accurate is that gauge. What is the high side of the system reading? That number is of equal importance.  
  3. If stop leak is induced with the freon and this stop leak contacts any moisture it turns into a slurry and plugs the evaporator and condenser. The air we talked about allows moisture in the form of humidity.   
  4. Over charging or under charging a system can damage the compressor. When a professional charges the system they vacuum the system dry with a pump. They replace the freon charge to the manufacture specifications without inducing air or stop leak into the system.   You may think you are saving a few bucks by doing it yourself, but you take the risk of damaging the system and costing you thousands to repair it to operating condition again.